Outdoor Fire Protection
In industrial areas, outdoor fire protection systems are indispensable, as a fire can easily occur. Many different processes are taking place, often including inflammable materials. Consequently, there are high requirements to a system securing the safety.
For outdoor fire protection, the renowned UL/FM approved AVK hydrants enable a fast and effective effort to keep a fire under control. The hydrants can be operated directly by means of hose attachment, by an attached fire monitor or they can be used as a water access point by the professional fire department.
We offer dry barrel hydrants, primarily designed for areas with frost, where the water mains is located below the ground frost zone, and wet barrel hydrants for non-frost areas. Our monitor hydrants are mainly used for installation in chemical and petrochemical industrial plants, refineries, tank farms, airports or the like, where large amounts of inflammable liquids are stored.
Additionally, we offer UL/FM approved gate valves, post indicators and for outdoor fire protection.